Thursday, December 6, 2018

"Sub-Zero Fear"

Fear.  It can be a paralyzing force strong enough to freeze you in your tracks.  Some have given it the acronyms "false evidence appearing real" or "forget everything and run".  It feels like being frozen by Sub Zero in a Mortal Kombat video game.

You want to move. You want to win.  But this fear has you stuck in a place of stress, doubt, and uncertainty.  What you fear may have come from the memory of what you have gone through in the past, the anxiety of what you have never done, but seldom is it the present.  It's actually hard to fear what's real, because what is real is an experience of the now, not an anticipation of the future or reflection of the past.

What is fear stopping you from doing?  Having a meaningful relationship with a loved one?  Pursuing your dreams and passions?  Or maybe it's healing from a past hurt or painful situation.  Sometimes our fears are simply preventing us from being happy and having daily peace.

I have had my fair share of dealing with having "sub-zero" fear in my personal relationships and in fulfilling my purpose.  The effects of this type of fear are exhausting.  I'm tired of the unnecessary and additional stress in my life.

I sought out how to get unstuck from being frozen by fear in my life.  I researched physical paralysis and how it's treated and managed.  They use heat, massage, and exercise as physical therapy.

What if we used the same therapy for mental paralysis?  Instead of physical therapy, we need mental therapy to overcome our fears.

The first thing in "un-thawing" from being frozen by fear is to expose it.  Think about when you take a piece of meat out of the freezer.  You expose it to a warmer and a different place.  Nothing feels colder than the isolation fear causes.  Admit that you are afraid and what you are afraid of.  This can be done by admitting this to yourself and telling someone else, as an accountability partner or trusted friend.

Also, becoming sort of a minimalist helps too.  Dispose of and get rid of situations and things that causes fear and the effects of fear.  This is different than running from fear.  This has to do with determining what's most important, and only thinking and dealing with those things. 

The bible says that perfect love drives out fear.  Are we doing things out of love or fear?  Doing things out of love warms the heart and gets you going in the right direction. Start doing things and making choices motivated by love instead of fear.

If it's big enough to fear, it's big enough to overcome and do!  The world needs the "unfrozen" You.

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