Friday, August 16, 2013

"Immature Genius"

Immature Genius
Have you ever said or done the right thing at the wrong time?  The effects of an ill-timed statement or premature move, can have damaging effects that can take a long time to recover from.

I am reminded of the bible story of Joseph, the son of Israel.  Joseph had a dream that he would be a ruler, and placed in a leadership position in his family, and in his generation.  Now this dream was a good thing, because it revealed to him his future, gave him a sense of purpose, and gave him confidence.

But not everyone is ready, or wants to hear your dreams.  Out of immaturity, Joseph told his brothers and his parents what he should have kept to himself.  This is what I call an "Immature Genius".

Joseph grew up to be a genius at business and leadership.   But his immaturity, got him sold to slavery, thrown in jail, and accused of rape.

Another example of Immature Genius is Kanye West.  The whole Taylor Swift incident, along with a few other situations, have had a negative effect on Kanye's career.  Now this doesn't take anything away from the fact that he is a musical and creative genius.  It was in my opinion, that with the Taylor Swift incident, he was absolutely correct with what he said.  But it was a case of saying the right thing at the wrong time.

I believe that everyone is a genius.  Everyone has a gift, talent, or ability.  Some are visible, some are undeveloped, and some are still undiscovered.

When the moment of discovery arrives, we must be careful not to make immature moves.  Doing the right thing, at the right time is priceless.

Do you have an idea, a business, or dream?  It is my suggestion that you seek wisdom in sharing or taking action on the "genius" you have been given.  Let us learn from the mistakes of Joseph and Kanye so we don't be an "Immature Genius"!

Visions are meant to be shown not told. When you are ready to show your vision, others are ready to receive it.  Jameen Willis