Monday, May 2, 2011

Breaking News?

Right now, the United States of America, and many other people of the world are celebrating the killing and the death of allegedly one of the most notorious terrorists in World history.

All over the media, you can read breaking news: The Death of Osama Bin Laden.  People are marching in the streets, lining up at the entrance of The White House, and spreading the news all over the world.

While some may view this as a victory and a grand achievement for the United States and "others" affected, I can't help but view this event from a universal principle perspective.

I see the celebration of killing, death, and violence over love, peace, and unity.  To simply put it, "a man reaps what he sows".

The death of one man won't solve all our problems, no matter how notorious and powerful he may have been.  What about all of his followers?  Violence brings violence.

This event just shows what our morals and values are as a country.

Could it be that we are being deceived?  Could this be a decoy for a larger plan?  What if instead of killing Osama Bin Laden we were able to spread The Kingdom of God to a region and impact the lives of those "involved"?

Let us celebrate unity, love, and peace.  The economy getting better is a thing to celebrate.

Breaking News! We are still in darkness, and celebrate death over celebrating life...