Wednesday, February 6, 2013

"Balls And Blocks"

Have you ever wondered why it is so much easier to move something heavy when it is shaped like a ball?  I was thinking about moving a refrigerator, and how heavy it is if it doesn't have wheels.  But if it has wheels, you can move it with ease, whether it be to clean behind it, or to move it to another location.

Things like appliances, tools, and other products are made to be movable or permanent based on how they are made.  If something is supposed to stay in place, wheels or a ball wouldn't be the best design for it.  But something that is made to be portable, has to be moved, or can operate in different places, wheels or a ball shape is perfect.

The Bible describes God as the author and creator of all things.  I believe that God places "balls" and "blocks" in our lives based on what He has called us to do.  Some people are able to get things going with ease, as if it were placed on "the wheels of life".  Another person will try to do the same thing and will experience difficulty that perfectly describes the term, "a stumbling block".

One of the things that I am currently focusing on, is seeking God's direction on what the "balls" are in my life right now, and also what the "blocks" are.

It is my suggestion that many of us have made things "blocks" in our heads that are really "balls".  True enough, some things are hard and heavy, but if we just "get the ball rolling", it is amazing what we are able to do.  The other side of it is---the "blocks" that we have made to be "balls" in our minds.  Some things haven't moved for a reason!  It may not be the right time or just not in God's will for some of the "balls" we are attempting in our lives. 

Today, let us seek to have the "balls" and "blocks" in are minds, be in perfect harmony with God's will for our lives.

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