Sunday, December 4, 2011

"The Quiescent Period"

Earlier this week, I was reading about the germination process.  In my readings, I found out that there are many external conditions that play a major role in a seed growing into a plant, fruit, or whatever it is to be.  Some of the conditions are the right temperature, amount of oxygen and water,  and the right amount of darkness or light in order for the germination process to begin.

I found out that most seeds go through a period where there is no active growth called the quiescent period.   It is during this time,  that the seed can be safely moved to a new location, and can safely survive adverse climate conditions, until circumstances are more favorable for growth.

Quiescent seeds are ripe seeds that don't germinate because they are subject to external conditions that prevent the cell growth.  Under favorable conditions, the seed begins to germinate and resume growth.

Our dreams are like seeds planted in the soil of our minds.  We have planted those seeds and have waited and waited, and it seems like it's taking forever for those dreams to become a reality. 

It's an age old saying, but it's true that "a watched pot never boils".  We can't be "seed watchers", waiting for our dreams to come true.

Just like a seed goes through a quiescence period where it seems like nothing is happening, our dreams also go through a period where it seems like nothing is happening.

Me must prepare the soil, our minds, in order to create favorable conditions, to see our dreams become a reality.  You have to cultivate and nurture your dream; invest time, money and effort on your dream.  Give your seed time to grow.  Let it stay in the dirt/darkness until the proper time. But don't have your dream too far down in the soil; in the back of your mind. 

 Don't be a seed watcher, water the seed!

It's important for us to not mistake this period of waiting until the necessary conditions are met, for failure.  Let us be aware of the necessary conditions for growth, so that we don't "watch the pot" and become "seed watchers".

Saturday, November 26, 2011

"In The Name Of Jesus"

What does it mean when we say "in the name of Jesus"?

When we were children, or in some of our earlier experiences with church, we were told to pray in the name of Jesus and God would answer.  We got older and more in tune to the relevancy of our spiritual lives and found out, that this is not always the case.  Many prayers have gone unanswered, with people looking for results because they said the "right words".

In biblical days, a name of someone was what a person stood for; was the substance of their character or their authority.  In general, a name is a word or words used that describes and also distinguishes one entity from another.

Many Christians and followers of Christ think that they are doing something spiritual, but end up doing something religious and superstitious in saying "in the name of Jesus" in prayer.  There is a big difference in just saying "in the name of Jesus", and praying in the name of Jesus.

To pray in the name of Jesus, what we are doing is acting in His authority, in His stead, and according to His command.  When we do anything that is consistent with His desires, we are testifying to the name, nature, power, and substance of God. 

When we say, "in the name of Jesus in prayer", we generally don't mean, "I am praying in the authority and mind of Jesus Christ".  We are primarily just saying, "i'm done", or amen.  It has become the "Christian" exit to prayer.

There is power in praying in the authority of Jesus Christ, by the authority He has given us; that's consistent with His character, desire, and will.

It's like a police officer saying, "stop in the name of the law".  He has that authority given to him.  But take away that authority or when the police officer is off duty, the same saying does not have the same meaning.  Without the mind, power, and authority of Christ, the saying doesn't have the same meaning.

If you are thinking with the mind of Christ, and that is your attitude, it doesn't matter what you say at the end of your prayer, God hears you because of His principles and intent for our lives.

There is a big difference between saying in the name of Jesus, and praying in the name of Jesus.  Let us be mindful to do all things with not only in words, but with the Mind of Jesus Christ.

Monday, November 14, 2011

"Old Man On A Bike"

I know you've seen him.  He's in every city and in every neighborhood.  It's an old man on a bike.

You can tell that he is not trying to save gas, preserve the environment, or get exercise.  It's his main source of transportation.  Sweat in the summer,  wind in the winter, but he's still on that bike.

I have observed this old man on a bike.  He looks tired and unmotivated.  But he is focused on getting wherever he needs to go on that bike.

Sometimes I wonder what he did in his younger years.  Did he have a career, a family, shoot, a car?  I never seen him stop and talk to anybody, but I'm sure he has a story to tell.

One day I'm going to stop him and see if he is willing to talk.  I mean, after all,  how busy could he be?  He's just an old man on a bike.  Your neighborhood has yours and my neighborhood has mine.

They probably had hopes and dreams.  Things they wanted to do or used to do in life.  I wonder if he has kids, or maybe even a wife.

I know there's a lot worse that one could be doing in life.  But when it's all said and done, don't let me be that "old man on a bike".

Sunday, November 6, 2011


Motivation- The driving force that keeps you going.  It can be a quote, thought, or picture.  Find something or someone that reminds you from time to time your purpose and goals you have set to achieve.

Inspiration- That spark of energy, creativity, and passion for something or someone.  It's the feeling of making contact with something that you feel was lost or forgotten, but now found.  Inspiration is purpose, passion, and the thing that brings meaning to it all.  Think about what influences you most and what you love.

Leadership-  The ultimate state of being an individual. Every leader must first be an individual and be willing to stand alone and be first.  Some of the major qualities of leadership are being a visionary,  a person that sees ahead and plans accordingly, and a problem solver.  Look for ways to serve and be a problem solver.

Focus-  Having the discipline to stay on a chosen path.  Focus is single-minded, tunnel vision to keep moving forward despite potential distractions.  Keep your focus simple with a "straight forward" approach.

Got Milf?  Get your mind out of the gutter!

Sunday, October 23, 2011

"My Imaginary Friend"

It's been so long, I can't even remember when we first met.  Probably when I was a little kid, or even when I was a baby. 

We have been through everything together, me and my imaginary friend.  From high school, to starting a career, and even when I got married and started having kids.  We still kept tight. 

Sometimes we fall out, but somehow we end up back together.  He has let me down many times, but I have known him longer than I have known any other friend.

My imaginary friend is a trip; always looking and talking about others like they are so different from him.

He takes pride in what he has, and gets down in the dumps when he thinks about the things that he wants, that he doesn't have.

My imaginary friend identifies himself with what he does.  If he is not successful in his career, or not accomplishing his goals, he feels like he is less than a man.  This dude is always talking about what he did in the past, and feeling that he should be able to top that.

I see him try to block it out, but he worries what people think about him.  He tries to be humble, but I see that look of satisfaction on his face when people compliment him and give him praise.  When people aren't feeling him, or don't understand him, he tries to ignore it.  But I know it still gets to him sometimes.

Because we are so close, I can feel the stress, anxiety, and fears that he goes through in different stages of his life.  Sometimes it bothers me, and I wonder why I even hang with this dude.

We are nothing alike, but we go everywhere together, and hang in all the same places.  I've been hanging with my friend named Ego so long, imagined him and created him so long ago, that somehow, somewhere along the path, I got confused and thought that my imaginary friend Ego was Me!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

"Barack Obama Doesn't Care About Black People"

Declining approval ratings, unseen results,  and continued unemployment.  America is unhappy.  The African American community is growing tired of waiting for "change".

Some of the well known individuals and Black organizations have been putting a lot of pressure on our president lately.  They are feeling like they are being overlooked, unheard, and starting to feel betrayed even by our first African American President.  Many feel as if the higher unemployment rate in African Americans, and several other issues should be being addressed.  People want answers.  People want results.  People are looking for exactly what Barack Obama promised the American people, Change.

So many were happy to see him get into office.  They were encouraged. They were inspired.  To witness history in making has an effect on you no matter who's "side" you were on. 

Black people felt as if they had a leader that represented them.  Someone that understood their struggles.  And as a result, people felt like they had a Black leader that was finally going to do something about it.

What ever happened to all of our Black leaders anyway? After the deaths of Martin Luther King, Malcolm X, and many others who fought for justice and equality, their seems to be a huge void in leadership in African American community.

"We finally get someone in office and he is letting us down", is how many are feeling in this tough economy that we are in. To sum it up and make it plain, many are starting to feel like "Barack Obama Doesn't Care About Black People"!  He is just out for himself, and he has forgotten where he came from.

It is my suggestion that Barack Obama Doesn't Care About Black People, He Cares About ALL People!  You see it's called being President of The United States, not President of The Black Race.  The president has to make and oversee policies, procedures, and laws that are in the best interests of All the citizens of American, not just one particular race.  To focus more attention on your particular race, being how desperately in need of help it is, is the very definition of racism.

I think that in the midst of all the pain, suffering, and stress that we are going through, people forget that Barack Obama, even though he is the President, is still a paid employee.  You see, even though he may have been the best qualified candidate for the job, the office of President in my observation, serves as a "fall guy" to take the blame for the error of those who really run the country.  The House of Representatives, The Senate, Corporations, and Billionaires are who REALLY run the country.

To answer the question, "what happened to all the Black leaders"?  One has to look at the evolution and progression of time.  The leaders of yesterday fought for the rights that we have today.  It is our job to take advantage of the rights that we have, the progress that was made, and stand on the footsteps of those giants. Today's Black Leaders are those that are taking advantage of the rights they have and doing the things that they love, and are gifted and talented to do.  Today's leaders lead by example.  Barack Obama IS a black leader.  He accomplished a goal he set out to achieve.  He made it to the highest office that this government has to offer.  He is a husband, a father, and most important, he is an individual who did something instead of just complaining.

Friday, October 7, 2011

"Black Men Who Meditate"

 Meditation.  It's the mental discipline in which one attempts to get beyond the conditioned, "thinking" mind into a deeper state of relaxation or awareness.  During the act of meditation, one attempts to empty the mind of thought, or focus on one particular thought.

The practice of meditation has been around for a very long time, and in the past few decades, has become more familiar and popular in the U.S.  But meditation has been slower to catch on, and is less popular in the African American community, possibly due to the belief of meditation being a "religious" or Buddhist "thing".

Although meditation is a part of some religions, meditation is not a religious practice.  It's more of a spiritual practice and a mental discipline.  Just as not everyone who prays is a Christian, everyone that meditates is not a Buddhist or Hindu.
Numerous studies have been conducted on the benefits of meditation.  Some of the benefits include: stress reduction, increased focus, lowered blood pressure, pain relief, increased creativity, and an increased awareness of one's connection to God.

Despite it being less popular and widely unfamiliar territory, there are Black Men Who Meditate.  Some notable black men that meditate include writer, actor, and film Director Bill Duke, Entrepreneur and music mogul Russell Simmons, and the musical legend, Stevie Wonder.

I started meditating a little over a year ago, and it has been one of the most beneficial things I have ever done in my life.  I rarely get sick with a cold or flu, I can think much clearer, and most of all, it has enabled me to become more conscious of my connection to God.  

I believe that meditation would be of great benefit to the African American culture because of it's proven results of stress reduction, health benefits, and the increasing of one's awareness to our connection to God. 

It is my suggestion that if we can cross the divisive lines of religious and cultural differences, we can be a better people, and a better world.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

"Why Fathers Leave"

Yesterday, I took my son to the movies on one of our many Father-Son days. My son and I are big fans and followers of Marvel Comics movies.  This time it was Captain America.

On our way home I thought about how much my son valued having these Father-Son days.  I wondered what he would think if I told him that we were not having days like this anymore.  Thinking about how devastated he would be, I thought about how this would affect me also.

Sometimes these outings are a huge sacrifice of time and money, but I understand the value and significance of spending time with my son.

Not too many men talk about it, but it is a big sacrifice and responsibility being a father.  I don't think that  fathers get the credit that they deserve.  Just watch at the end of a big sports event, and you will hear a player shout out, "hi mom"!

This is not a list of excuses for a man to leave his kids, but a few areas where men struggle, that needs to be addressed. A lot of men feel this way, but will never tell you. So I decided to list the top reasons that fathers leave the home:

Money-  One of the most stressful things about being a father, a husband, and head of the household is being a provider.  A lot of men identify who they are with what they do, and if they aren't able to provide, or feel as if they are being shown up by the woman, this is a horrible feeling.  One of the worst things in the world to a man is the feeling of not being able to provide.  The guilt, shame, and embarrassment can drive a man to find a reason why "things aren't working out" and leave.

Respect-  It is my opinion that this is the most misunderstood area of relationships with women.   A man wants to be loved and respected.  Once a man has lost the respect of his partner or children,  his mind has left the household and his body will eventually follow.

Children out of wedlock-  I don't think I can explain this any clearer than this: marriage is a good thing!  For some reason, it is so much harder to stay together when you have a child or children out of wedlock.  I am not sure if it is the pressure of being together because of the children, or the lack of the commitment of marriage that makes things fall apart.

Lack of Father/Mentor-  This is last but certainly not least on the list. It is in my opinion, that this is the biggest factor why men leave the home. They don't have an example, mentor, or someone to come to for advice.  It sounds like the weakest copout, but many young fathers just simply don't know what to do.

This also has an effect on the women in the relationship too. By no means am I saying it's the woman's fault, but a young girl raised in a home without a father often grows up to be a woman not knowing how to treat and support a husband or mate.

No matter if one of these reasons applies or all or these reasons apply, it is always worth it to never leave and not take care of your kids!  No guilt, embarrassment, or difficulties hurt worse than a child growing up without a father.

Hang in there fathers.  Other fathers are going through the same situations, but they are doing just that; going through them.

Never make a permanent decision for a temporary problem. - Miles Monroe 

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

"Awesome Entrepreneurs"

In the midst of government bailouts, foreclosures, and a so called recession; it takes guts to be self employed or start a business in this economy.  To go against the grain and not play it safe is the essence of entrepreneurship.  When you think about it, pursuing a passion really is going "with the grain".

I am a firm believer in doing what you love and loving what you do.  That dream that won't go away, or that gentle calling that becomes a loud roar when you do something that is not your "calling".  There is something that is so liberating when you work with passion versus work being a "just a means to an end".

Along with the lowering of unemployment, another to answer to the crisis that so many are facing today is to create your own employment.

Today, I salute "Awesome Entrepreneur" Attorney Janaya Trotter, owner and managing partner of Trotter Law, LLC.

  Janaya started her legal career at the City of Cincinnati Prosecutor's office as an Assistant City Prosecutor.  She then accepted a position with Ritter & Randolph as an Associate in the litigation department.  After holding these positions, she realized that her passion for law wasn't being fulfilled and decided to branch out and start her own firm.  Janaya was ready to start practicing law according to her standards and wanted the liberty of taking the type of cases she believed in and not just those that were assigned.  She decided to take charge by working all day and all night for herself instead of maintaining someone else's lifestyle at the expensive of her own happiness. "I wanted to be the master of my future" says Janaya.

She opened Trotter Law, LLC in June of 2011.  Trotter Law's primary focus is on domestic relations, criminal law, and bankruptcy.  Janaya is working very hard to show that there are very good, competent African American attorneys that will work very hard on your behalf.  For more info on Janaya and Trotter Law, call 513-531-515, or send an email to

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Mind Rehab

Mind Rehab, it's the process of removing negative, self defeating thoughts, actions, and emotions, and replacing them with thoughts, actions, and emotions that are positive and "true".

When you think about it, it's not really about the mind at all.  The soul; our thoughts, choices, and feelings is what really control our minds.  And that's what it's really all about; the process of making better thoughts, decisions, and having better emotions.

During my 12 years in the real estate business, I learned the process of rehabbing houses.  What I learned is that when rehabbing a house, you have to first remove the things that are old, out dated, and don't work any more.  That's called the demolition process.  We all have things that we need to get rid of in our lives.  Old thoughts, old habits, and old ways that simply don't work any more.

From there you are down to what is called the foundation and framework of the house.  This is the "real you", not the fake facade that you put up to others. Only when you are down to the bare bones can you start the rebuilding process, or else, you are just building over old junk.

The last phase of the rehab is the exiting part, the new stuff!  The improvements, upgrades, and additions are what maximizes a homes potential.  Similar to houses, with the right thoughts, the right actions, and the right feelings, you can be your best you and maximize your potential! 

Friday, August 5, 2011

"Why Planking Is Ok"

Every once in a while our culture comes up with a new trend, fad, or event that is the cool thing to do at the time.  Most fads fade over time, but some things "stick" and become a part of our everyday lives and the culture that we live in today.

Unless you live under a rock, or are never on Facebook, Twitter, or Blogs (which is the equivalent of living under a rock), you have seen or heard the new craze of "planking".  Now, just in case you haven't seen it, I will explain.

  Planking is an activity where you lay face down in an unusual or remote location. The hands must touch the sides of the body and having a photograph of the participant taken and posted on the internet is an integral part of the game.  Players compete to find the most unusual and original location in which to play.  The term planking refers to mimicking a wooden plank.

But recently, planking has caught a lot of flack by people who say it originated from slaves being stored in slave ships in the manner of being shelved like wooden planks in rows.  While this is true that slaves were stored in this manner, I believe that everything is a matter of intent.

While researching this topic, I found out that the game of Planking is claimed to have been invented by two guys named Gary Clarkson and Christian Langdon in 2000, first becoming popular in North East England. However, comedian Tom Green claims to have invented "planking" as early as 1994.

No matter who started the trend, like I said before, it is a matter of intent.  People are very critical of something that reminds them of slavery, but let me tell you why I think that Planking is ok.

The "Christmas Tree" is found in millions of homes all over the world during the Christmas season.  Little do people know, that the Christmas tree originated from the Pagan religion, and was part of rituals. Most people don't know this fact, and their intent is for the tree is to decorate and be part of all the holiday cheer.  

The Easter bunny has nothing to do with the resurrection of Jesus Christ. In fact, the Easter bunny is a very ancient pre-Christian symbol of fertility due to its highly visible activity in Spring also coinciding with the arrival of eggs. The bunny or hare, was used in Hellenistic, Celtic and Germanic cultures. The Hare and eggs were fertility symbols of the Saxon moon goddess Eostre, after whom the festival takes its English name.  But during Easter, you can find bunnies in churches, homes, and baskets all over the world.

And last but not least, there's the wonderful "N word".  Now the word Nigger can be certainly traced back to slavery, discrimination, and overall disrespect of the African American race.  But by a slight change of spelling and pronunciation, "Nigga" has become a term of friendship and brotherhood in the African American community.

So if the Christmas Tree, the Easter Bunny, and the "N Word" is ok, then planking is ok.  If it is not your  intent to mock slavery or slaves ships, then Plank your heart out.  Plank on rooftops, plank on land.  I think we are too caught up on symbolism, imagery, and conspiracy theories right now.  Life is too short, have some darn fun!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

"Why I Still Live With My Mama"

I knew this was coming, "you still at your mom's house"? Yeah, I know I'll be thirty next week, but who are you to down me?  I guess you got all your stuff together.

Yeah, I still live with my mom, but I got a job and a car.  I'm still with my mama cause I'm saving up for a house.  Still with my mama cause haven't found a spouse.

My daddy died in 88', what was I supposed to do? Leave mama all by herself?  You know she not getting around too good, mama's losing her health.

Plus you know I got that eviction back when I was in college, when my roommates bailed and stuck me with the rent.  They won't let me get an apartment unless I have the first month, last month, plus the deposit.

I got two jobs, and mama babysits when it's my weekend to have the baby.    You know at my second job I work nights, and the hours are crazy.

I still got a couple of months of my probation, so I might as well stay here til' that is over.   I don't want them coming to MY crib, knowing where I live.

After the date, we can't go back to my house. I know, I know, that's not a good look!  Oh, I forgot, it's one more reason I still live with my mama, cause your ass can't cook!

Monday, May 2, 2011

Breaking News?

Right now, the United States of America, and many other people of the world are celebrating the killing and the death of allegedly one of the most notorious terrorists in World history.

All over the media, you can read breaking news: The Death of Osama Bin Laden.  People are marching in the streets, lining up at the entrance of The White House, and spreading the news all over the world.

While some may view this as a victory and a grand achievement for the United States and "others" affected, I can't help but view this event from a universal principle perspective.

I see the celebration of killing, death, and violence over love, peace, and unity.  To simply put it, "a man reaps what he sows".

The death of one man won't solve all our problems, no matter how notorious and powerful he may have been.  What about all of his followers?  Violence brings violence.

This event just shows what our morals and values are as a country.

Could it be that we are being deceived?  Could this be a decoy for a larger plan?  What if instead of killing Osama Bin Laden we were able to spread The Kingdom of God to a region and impact the lives of those "involved"?

Let us celebrate unity, love, and peace.  The economy getting better is a thing to celebrate.

Breaking News! We are still in darkness, and celebrate death over celebrating life...

Sunday, March 27, 2011

A Chick Named Sallie Mae

She is seductive, having a way with words and numbers.  Not to mince words, she's a whore;  You give her what she wants, and you will get what you want.

No respecter of person, she engages with the college students fresh out of high school, and those that are old enough to have grandchildren.  This chick has been with men and women from many different races and creeds.

A home wrecker, stress inducer, and the cause of many arguments.  She will even deal with you, your boyfriend, girlfriend, or spouse at the same time.

Should you ever stop giving her what she wants, she will call you on your cell phone, at home while you are eating dinner, or when you are trying to watch a movie.

Until you have given all of what she wants, you can't shake her, not even bankruptcy will get rid of her.

My advice is to think twice before you get in bed with this chick.   She is low down, she's dirty, she's slimy, this chick, this chick named Sallie Mae.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

The Heart of Donna Wallace

A beautiful black woman, with a mean shoe game.  One who is always willing to help, no matter the situation or circumstance. That's the heart of Donna Wallace.

She is a jack of all trades, and a master of one; living as a reflection of the love of God.  A simple "hello beloved" from her will make you smile, but a conversation with her will leave a lasting impression for more than a little while.

She's a wife, a mother, and a close friend to so many, but gives you her attention, as if it is "all about you".  I've seen it time and time again, "Chief DL" saved the day.  If she kept a tab on favors, she would be due for a huge payday.

Today, I focus my attention to a person who is so humble that it will make you check yourself.  In fact, it took me three weeks to find a picture of her, and just like I figured, it wasn't by herself.

We don't celebrate our "everyday hero's" enough.  Good deeds get overlooked by "Charlie Sheen" headlines.  We don't have to wait until someone is old or dies to show appreciation on Blogs, Facebook, and Twitter time lines.

She's what I wanna be, when I "grow up". If you know her, meet her, or hold a conversation with her, you'll know exactly what I'm talking about.  A wonderful, loving soul, that will always be loved and appreciated by so many. That's the heart of Donna Wallace.

Monday, January 17, 2011

"Why I Used To Be..."

Here are some excerpts from my upcoming book, "Why I Used To Be..."

Are You A Christian?:
Christianity is the largest religion in the world.  Jesus Christ was not a religious man.  In fact, Jesus shunned, spoke against, and was persecuted and killed by religious leaders.

Religion vs Relationship:
How can we effectively help, save, or have meaningful relationships with those who need help, without crossing the divisive lines of our religious barriers.

The Mind Of Christ:
Jesus is my mentor and my older brother.  I follow him and want to be like him when I "wake up".  I am "waking up".

Monday, January 3, 2011

Ways To Save Money In 2011

Well, it's a new year and a new decade.  Thanksgiving has come and gone. And so has Christmas.  Hopefully, those of us who celebrate Christmas didn't "break the bank" and do too much damage this year with shopping.

I don't know about you, but one of my main goals for the new year is to tighten up on the budgeting and management of my finances.

Since the decline in the real estate market, and the economy as a whole, we have had to make some adjustments in the way we handle money and financial matters.

Here are some practical, yet proven ways to save money in 2011.  Some of these are so simple but not executed on a daily, weekly, or shoot--even a monthly basis.

Turn off the water.  When you brush your teeth in the morning, turn the water off in between brushing and rinsing.  I must admit, I was a notorious "water runner" when tackling daily tasks that involve water.  Also, turn off the water when doing other daily tasks like washing the car, doing the dishes, and the morning shave.  You will see a difference in your monthly or quarterly water bill.

Keep your car serviced.  A simple oil change goes a long way when it comes to saving money on repair costs.  Not only does it prevent costly repairs, but it improves on the gas mileage that your car gets.  The same thing goes for tire pressure.  A tire low on air decreases the miles per gallon that a car performs at.

Pay cash.  The old saying that "cash is king" is not just a saying, it is actually true!  Many companies offer discounts to customers paying cash because of the cost of accepting credit card payments.  Some credit card processing companies charge up to 5% to process credit card transactions, plus a monthly fee.  Also, it is much easier to negotiate with cash.  From everything from buying a house, to that "must have" handbag while on vacation, that cash money that "talks" can land you a deal.

Pay bills on time.  The average late fee on a cell phone or utility bill is $5.00 every time you go past the due date.  This may not seem like much, but with multiple bills spread out over the course of one year,  you can nickel and dime yourself into the "poor house".  Putting this money saving tip into practice can save you hundreds of dollars.  Also, if you pay cash for purchases, you won't forget to pay credit card bills on time, which will cost you on average $29.00 per late fee.

Drink water.  The romantic evening at a nice restaurant will be even better with a lower bill.   The average cost of drink at a restaurant is about $2.30 per drink.  Order you a nice dinner, and the water (with lemon) is free!  You'll actually feel better about going out to eat because you are spending less money while still doing what you want to do.

Hit the switch.  Turn off the lights in rooms that you are not sitting in or going to any time soon.  I started doing this about two years ago and I must say I am happy with the results.  Gas and electricity is something that we can't do without, but that doesn't mean that we have to waste it.  Utility bills are an ongoing expense that you can lower with some minor adjustments.

Keep the change.  When you go to the gas station for a pack of gum, put your change in your pocket instead of the change plate laying on the counter.  Also, pick up pennies and any other coins that you find laying on the ground.  Everybody is using plastic, but believe it or not, pennies still make dollars.  Before I go to sleep at night, I empty my pockets and put all my change in a jar on my dresser.  When the jar is full, I take it to the grocery store, put it in the counting machine, and it is usually enough money to go grocery shopping with.

Put these simple ways to save money into practice, and you will be well on your way to a better financial year in 2011!