Tuesday, November 3, 2015

"Different Toilet, Same Crap"

The Toilet. The Potty. The John. The Oval Office.  We have so many names for this ever so important bathroom fixture.  In fact, there are over 100 nicknames for the toilet.

There are over 1,647 models of toilets with different features, but they all have the same purpose; to get rid of waste.  With so many options, it would be a tough task to pick one, if presented with all the choices at the same time.

I was thinking about the famous definition of insanity from Albert Einstein, "doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results".  Many times, in our lives we do this very thing.  The thing that we don't realize is that we mask this by changing everything but "us".

We get fed up with bosses and companies. Have you ever said or heard this before, "I'm tired of their crap"!  You quit the job or find a new company to work for, but go with the same "you".  Many employees leave one job for another and take the same marginal work ethic, the same skill set, and the same "workplace mentality".  But as time progresses, the same "crap" comes up again.

The same thing applies to relationships.  The honeymoon phase of any relationship eventually goes away.  You start to notice their annoying habits and what we deem as character flaws.  When we get fed up in relationships, "crap" often is replaced with a stronger, more suitable synonym!  The "dear john letter" is already sent or today texted, before finding the "crappy" flaws in ourselves.

You can even apply this to churches and places of worship.  The church where "things are happening" seems great when you first join.  The music and worship is good.  The pastor or minister is on point with the messages.  The people are nice and conversations are great at times of fellowship.

But as years past, you notice that you aren't growing, and you are in the same "place" you were when you joined.  You see the religious menality of the people and the church that you joined, and determine that it's time to make a change.  In this situation, the religious mentality in yourself and in every "Christian" organization organization can be missed.

Sometimes, there is no question that we need to make changes in our lives; whether it's a career change, a relationship, or an organization.  It is my suggestion, that when we make a change to anything outside of ourselves, we need to access the changes we may need to make in oursevles.  If we don't, then it's just going to a different toilet with the same crap!